Comments from the artist
My fascination for the made up reality of the theater and the performance stage has been a recurring theme in my paintings. There is something so intriguing with the need to create an illusion on a stage within the reality that we live. The solution can be created to enhance beauty, mystery, fear etc. we create these realities in stages outside of the theaters as well. Dinner tables and dining rooms become stages of their own. The dinner guests become the actors and the wall papers become the boundaries for the reality created within that universe.
Some of these wallpapers are now starting to crumble and some of my paintings, the trick of the illusion is becoming visible. But what is behind the crumbling Stage? After all, ultimate reality is beyond all concepts.
Year of creation
122 x 152 cm
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SIZE: 141 x 116 cm
Digital print on Arches Aquarelle Fine Art Paper. Signed and numbered by artist.